More solution: my approach

In focus: your personality, your topics

Coaching, consulting, training: as a business coach, I am happy to accompany your personal growth or that of your employees on all three levels. You and your topics are the focus.

In coaching, we take care of the mental, physical, and emotional parts of your healthy self. This includes your views, attitudes, inner patterns, and habits such as sleep, nutrition, or sports as a physical balance. Together we develop answers to your central questions about a healthy balance and a coherent and sustainable self.

Interrupt thought spirals – think positively

Imagine a conversation about a salary increase. You lack courage and every postponement of the meeting with your superior puts new negative images and thoughts into an unpleasant cycle. In your mind, you hang on to unconstructive ideas: Will, your boss, think you’re arrogant and aloof if you bring up a raise? Even laugh at you and tell others during lunch. And then engage other employees more consistently on issues?

Our common goal: solutions for you

For such and similar situations, you urgently need a mental stop sign. Often a small push or a simple method is enough here to go this new way. Our coaching work takes you further – and has one goal: your solution.

Constructive & mindful to mental health and inner strength

Rest assured: Many people move in such problem areas as you do. It is important to step out of this downward spiral through the right concepts for practice. So in our work together, we focus on helpful strategies that strengthen your Mental Health and Self. In constructive, mindful coaching we develop new, stable ways together.

With a certified sparring partner: developing your healthy self

Within yourself, you already find everything you need for your success. Rely on these treasures. Situations, conflicts, the past – everything is ready for you. There were already supporting solutions in you – and you can build on these foundations and uncover new solutions.

Often you just need the right sparring partner for new solutions: I will gladly accompany you on your exciting journey. As a certified business coach as well as a certified team and group coach of the Dr. Bock Academy and Institute for Health & Selfcare – INHESA® – with numerous intercultural experiences.

My offer: Individual, group and team coaching for employees.

In addition to individual coaching, I also offer group or team coaching and seminars or workshops for employees and managers.

Business Health Coaching: Your compass for new high ways

Work out your genuine, own solution together with me. Trust in coaching brings up what is already slumbering in different parts of yourself as a power for something new.